Monday, March 9, 2009

An Inconvenient Truth

As a beginning, all of us know that the world is becoming warmer. In this movie, Al Gore talks about global warming, and the effects, consequences and some possible solutions.

As a start, he talks about the gross percentage of Carbon Dioxide and how it makes the temperature go up. With the high temperatures, a lot of things change, like the weather. Sadly the change in weather affects the animals and kills them, or makes them extinct. Also the rising in temperatures could kill people; it kills more than billions over the world. Another thing is the sea level, as the temperature goes up, the sea level will increase to flood a lot of areas on earth.

Overall, he mentions that there are a lot of possible solutions, by changing our thoughts and use new technologies to decrease the CO2 and retain the earth as before or even better, we can solve this situation.

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